Slaves To Sin
Jesus had just told the religious people that if they obeyed His teaching, they would know the truth and be set free (John 8:31-32). The clear implication was that they were slaves. That was such an insult to Jewish people: had God not delivered them from slavery in Egypt (Deuteronomy 7:7-8)? Their response was that they were not slaves of anyone, so why would they want to be free? But they were enslaved: physically and politically, the whole nation was dominated by the Roman Empire; but worse, they were slaves to sin. Like every human being they were sinners, incapable of escaping the desire to be righteous in their own eyes. They did not want to submit to the God they professed to worship, and proved it by rejecting Jesus and the word of God which He spoke.
The proof that they were self-justifying, egocentric people motivated by evil was that they were ready to kill Him (Matthew 27:18). Despite their religion, they did not honour God as their Father. Instead, their hearts had been taken captive by Satan (John 8:44) who had no good long term future for them. But those who truly followed Jesus, would obey Him, and be led to His Father's home for eternity (John 14:1-6).
Jesus contrasts slaves to the children born in the family. The slave’s relationship is contractual and temporary; a son’s place is permanent. All those who believe in Jesus, who welcome Him, are also welcomed into God’s family forever as His children (John 1:12). They are born again by God’s Spirit (John 3:3-8) and sealed by the Spirit into the security of God’s eternal family (2 Corinthians 1:21-22), with the certain hope of an eternal inheritance (1 Peter 1:3-5).
Satan certainly offers security, but he can never fulfil his promises. He offers freedom but traps people by his lies (John 8:44). Jesus came to release people from the bondage of Satan's lies and their ungodly reaction leading to sin (Hebrews 2:14-15). No human being can escape that trap except through Jesus. That is the wonderful message we can, and must, bring to a hurting world which is suffering the consequences of sin. Such people need the gospel truth to show them how to be saved. Why not show them which has helped many people to discover how to find freedom in Christ? Your friends and colleagues do not have to be held captive any longer!