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Unfair Grace

Romans 5:15
But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! (NIVUK)

The sinful actions of Adam and Eve were over in a moment, but the consequences have lasted through every subsequent generation right up to the present time (Romans 5:12).  Like a virus, sin has infected every person from before birth (Psalm 51:5).  The effect of sin is to bring physical death to every living thing: and spiritual death (eternal separation from God) is inevitable for every human being, unless they ask for their sin to be covered by Christ's blood-sacrifice.

God’s antidote to the poison of sin is not at all religious.  None of the traditional religious ways of appeasing the wrath of a ‘god’ do not work with the real Creator God (Isaiah 64:6).  Doing good, giving money, helping the poor, praying and fasting have some value, but can never undo the effects of our sin.  However much good we do, we cannot atone for the bad we have done (Galatians 2:16).  It is not, as some believe, a matter of balancing the bad with good.  Unless the offence against God is completely removed, it remains to accuse us and exclude us from any relationship with Him.

Jesus Christ brought in the new way to have peace with God.  Although the viral effect of sin has brought eternal death to everybody, God the Father is pleased to accept the sacrifice of Jesus to pay the penalty which was due to all of us.  That payment cannot be bought, even in part, by money, piety or charity - it is God's gift to us at Christ's expense.  And His gift is not just to 'good people who do a little bit of wrong', but to even the worst of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15-16).

Like all gifts, God's gift of grace needs to be received.  Presuming that Christ's death will atone for sinners who remain unrepentant and rebellious is unbiblical fantasy.  No.  It is only those who confess their sin, and ask for mercy, who will find God’s gracious love poured out on them (1 John 3:1).  In other words, when grace is offered to cover your sin, receive it.  Those who refuse to do so stand condemned already (John 3:18).  So, the gospel message demands an active response: welcome into your heart the Christ who died to save you (Revelation 3:19-20) and start a new life with Him (John 1:12).  And then share this good news with your friends and colleagues (show them www.crosscheck.org.uk). The gift of God's grace is for them also, if only they will believe it and receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour.


God of grace. Thank You for allowing Jesus Christ to become a man, in order to die a criminal's death, so that my sins might be forgiven. It still does not seem fair to me, that He should suffer and I should be welcomed without sin into Your kingdom. Help me to treasure Your grace and to live a life of grateful obedience. Help me also to realise the importance of telling my family, friends and colleagues of Your free gift of salvation to all who repent and believe the gospel. Please speak to them and save them, I pray. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams