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The Big True Story

John 21:24-25
This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. (NIVUK)

These are the last two verses of John’s Gospel.  They follow Peter’s discussion with Jesus about John (John 21:20-23), after which John is identified as the author of the Gospel narrative.  These verses are historically important as they certify that what John wrote was his personal eye-witness account of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus (in the same way that he started his gospel in John 1:14).  John’s character was known to the churches; they could vouch for his integrity. We need that assurance too so that we can have full confidence to put our trust in Jesus.
Of course Jesus did many other wonderful things, and said far more, than could ever be recorded in one book. As John was selecting his material, so much had to be left out (some of which is given by the other Gospel writers). But John was clear about his purpose in writing, “… that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31).
The most important thing in this life is to put your trust in Jesus, because He is the only way to eternal life (John 14:6).  How are we to get to know somebody who is not physically present?  We are now used to making friendships through social media in the same way that we used letters, fax and email in the past.  It is not just the information content which we need to understand, but we also need to know the character of the content-creator.  After a while we start to understand who people are as we read/hear what they say and what other people say about them.  

We get to know Jesus by reading what the Bible writers say about Him (2 Peter 1:16-21); and we have the eye-witness accounts of His life from the Apostle John, and the eye-witness evidence collected personally by Luke (Luke 1:1-4). Reading what they have written is God’s way of enabling us to get to know Jesus and put our trust in Him.  When your friend or colleague wants to know the truth about Jesus, ask them to read John’s Gospel with you, and discuss the verses in www.crosscheck.org.uk.

Dear Heavenly Father. Thank You so much for inspiring the Gospel writers to write down eye-witness accounts of the life, death, resurrection and teaching of Jesus. Forgive me when I presume what they have written without spending time to read afresh, and so get to know my Saviour better. Please help me to share my faith by encouraging my friends and colleagues to read the Bible and get to know who Jesus is through the pages of the Gospels. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams