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God's Examination

Luke 10:25-28
On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. ‘Teacher,’ he asked, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ ‘What is written in the Law?’ he replied. ‘How do you read it?’ He answered, ‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind”; and, “Love your neighbour as yourself.”’ ‘You have answered correctly,’ Jesus replied. ‘Do this and you will live.’ (NIVUK)

Many religious people, who thought they were wise, came to Jesus to ask Him questions.  But many were not concerned to find out the truth: they were trying to trap Him (Luke 11:53-54).  So, often, Jesus would ask another question in response.  Their replies exposed their hearts, and by seeing how Jesus led people to see what was true, provided the disciples with training about how they would need to deal with people in the future as the church grew.

Jesus, and all the disciples were Jews; as were all the religious leaders who came to interrogate Him.  The underlying question in their hearts was, ‘Does Jesus agree with what is written in the Law (the first five books of our Bible), or is He proposing a different way to eternal life?’  If He agreed with the Law and advised the people to obey it (and all the extra little laws the Rabbis had included for 'clarification'), then He was on their side and under their authority.  But if Jesus disregarded the Law and taught a different way, then He refused to be under their patronage … it was envy that propelled them to want Him killed (Matthew 27:18).

So, by asking about the way to eternal life, the trap was set.  Jesus then asked the expert how he interpreted the law; and he gave a good answer: it was all about loving God and fellow human beings.  Jesus affirmed his understanding; but then came to a penetrating conclusion, "Do this and you will live!" The truth is that nobody can fully obey God's law, and therefore none of us has any right to eternal life.  The old system of laws could never work (Hebrews 8:13) . That is why we all need a better way ... and His Name is Jesus!

Still today, most people think that if they do enough good things, then God will be pleased and let them into His heaven. The problem is that nobody can always do good and never any bad, so that sort of religion is useless for giving us peace with God and a home in heaven.  But most people will not even start questioning their assumptions until somebody asks them what they think, like Jesus taught His disciples.  It is a great way to start a gospel conversation!

Dear Lord. I am so grateful that You have shown me how to have eternal life through Jesus Christ. I know that many of my friends and colleagues do not understand this and perhaps they have never been challenged to think about their assumptions about eternal life. Please help me to be alert to use their questions about my faith to ask them to consider what they believe and why; and then to be ready to explain the salvation which only comes through the Lord Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams